Group Photos:

Group picture Summer 2024

Boston TEA party

Dr. Robert Meservey

Dr. Paul Tedrow
APS Buckley Prize Session

Dr. Jagadeesh Moodera
APS Buckley Prize Session (with his wife Dr. Berera)

Group dinner
Dr. Moodera with Bin Li and Marius Eich (visiting student from ETH)

Niklas Roschewsky (visiting student from Gottingen University) working in the lab the night before his leaving

Spin Condensation
Group reunion in March 2012

Moodera Group
Group photo in 2009
Summer Internship 2022:

Lab 1
Summer interns having fun, with keen focus on quantum phenomena going on around the glass dewar with LN2 and LHe.

Lab 2
Totally absorbed and enthralled by the observation of liquid helium superfluidity. Witnessed the occurrence of superconductivity, tunneling and even Josephson tunneling down at temperature of 1 Kelvin.

RISE Poster 1
High school interns displaying their projects via posters at the Boston University at the end of their RISE summer program.

RISE Poster 2
The projects conducted at MIT were on tuning the edge asymmetry in superconductors for enhancing the exotic superconducting diode phenomenon.